Monday, May 18, 2009


I've been meaning to blog about this short series of film i've watched titled

5centimeters a second.
3 short series of animated film.

It talks of a boy and a girl (duh) being separated from each other. Wikipedia has the whole synopsis if anyone's interested.

So here's a short review from yours truly.

The story line is rather good considering it's not cliche. The story is told through subtle hints rather than dialogues and there is hardly any of those fancy anime action. The main attraction of this film is that it's beautifully drawn and the song going along with the story is almost perfectly picked.

But now I'd rather talk about the main message. The title 5cm / s is referred to many times in the movie first as the speed of the sakura and secondly as the speed of a train carrying space crafts. However the director of these films actually wanted to express this 5cm/s as the speed of how humans will distance themselves from people when separated by physical/emotional and other boundaries.

I thought to myself to find this fact in reality; I didn't have to look far. I realize there are many friends who I feel have gone this path of drifting away at 5cm/s. Most of us fail to realize it, but if you take a look at your facebook friends list, how many of them do you still talk to regularly? The fact is try as we man if we are to be faced with a challenge that needs to be overcome in order to see the person beyond that challenge we'd choose to not go through with it. Why? Because we're lazy.

where am i going with this? I dunno... this IS a brain puke.

so... til next post

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Annoyed... again...

It's summer and for most university students it's a wonderful time. Relaxing, and enjoying stuff.

Somehow I find myself getting annoyed ever so often these days.
I'm annoyed at my parents.
I'm annoyed at my friends.
I'm annoyed by myself (sometimes).

Hell i'm starting to get annoyed right now thinking how I can extend this post to be a bit longer than just six lines saying I'm annoyed at the world.

Maybe I've been thinking too much lately, like how the garbage men of vancouver earns more than a teacher. Football coaches earning far more than the dean of a university faculty. How even a simple street cleaner is earning more than grad students who've paid for their education.

How is it that in the desperate world today there is so much inequality?

In a world full of resources and finance we choose to spend billions even trillions trying to squeeze the money out of everyday people instead of perhaps investing in a better idea such as global warming. All the green things we see today are simply illusions that we've created for ourselves to think that nothing is wrong. Hybrid cars? Sure they're great, other than the production of them, the landfill bound previous car, oh did I mention that a small percentage of hybrid cars isn't decreasing the total CO2 emissions of the world by much.

It's all green washing... regardless of how much "eco-friendly" products we buy in the end we are only supplying companies with funds to green wash us more. I'm annoyed at how so many people are going along with all of this and thinking that they're doing the right thing when they're not.

I'm a firm believer that within the next century (our lifetime , maybe the next generation as well) the world will plunge into war and chaos. In the world today we have democracy, the UN, police, freedom fighters, and just about everything that we think is keeping peace in the world. How much peace is actually there in the world? Violence, murder, rape, etc, they're everywhere... and ever since the beginning of human race it hasn't stopped.

It's almost laughable; nuclear weapons can be now created with little knowledge and cost. Imagine, in 80 years countries will start to compete for natural resources, land, even fresh water. When all hell breaks loose how will the human race fight for survival? The population sure ain't getting smaller. Why of course, the "stronger" countries will band together and shut all doors to on comers.

Think about this, if you and a group of 5 friends are stranded on a island with barely anything to survive for 30days in hopes of a ship coming for rescue. At day 25 you all realize there's really nothing to eat and you may all die, and at this point you find a heavily wounded person lying by the rocks. Would you choose to save him? Think hard...

So you saved him and now the food rations are even more scarce, and eventually it runs out. One man dies of starvation, luckily you are still able to make fire and you have a pocket knife. Would cannibalism ensue? What of later? The strongest would group together and take off the weak, eventually only one strong person remains, and even he/she will die. Sad isn't it?

So you choose not to save him. Well sure you'll last longer but eventually the same thing happens as above.

"no way!" so most people would say to how i've played the two scenarios, but if YOU can (truly and honestly) say that you'd rather die then do something in humane can the rest of your group? In the end humans are selfish (only generalization of 99% of the population or more), regardless of how much we hate to admit it.

How is this any different than the dire situation of the world that would be coming in the near future? A bit emo, but this is how I believe the world is going to become if more effort is not put into keeping the world.

I've actually more to say, but I've procrastinated enough from work so i'm cutting it short here.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Complaint about Purolator.

So after much procrastination I've decided to finally ship my old acer to a repair depot. The procrastination, however, is not fully my fault as the acer warranty service is crap (much like all other companies).

So the issue I have is this. Purolator boasts that they have 550 shipping locations in rural areas and that they are always there for you.

I found out (on saturday) that there are conveniently placed shipping depots all over where I live. The problem? The operation hours. All 3 locations near my house has operation hours of 9am to 5pm (mon to fri.), which happens to be when I work. Not very smart of purolator companies to set their operation hours the exact same as most full time work shifts.

How are full time workers supposed to ship thing during the day? I mean sure I can buy the box, the padding and pack it myself and then ship it , but I'd rather have a professional do it for me, and it's simply ridiculous how they can't just change the work hours to maybe 9 to 7pm or hell 10 to 7 pm. I doubt they get much business during the day so why not under staff a bit and manage the time a bit to accommodate the extra 2 hours of work time?

ps. Vote STV

pps. I'm da boss.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Which would you choose?

Pretend you are a professor with a lab in which a summer student has tried to apply for the work study program at.

You are now faced with a dilemma.

The work study program has a strict policy that if the program subsidizes $9/hr to the student's salary the minimum wage is $13/hr. This is excellent as all the you'd have to pay is $4 an hour and gives the work study program student a great salary.

The problem is that your graduate student in the lab who's going to be supervising the workstudy program student currently earns $12/hr, and that you were intentionally only going to pay the work study student $9/hr.

The question?:
Option 1. go with the work study program and save money.
Option 2. go with what you feel is the hierarchy of the lab and simply pay the $9 an hour to the work study student.

on a side note... researchers get paid jack shit...