Sunday, April 26, 2009


To keep a long story short.

I feel I'm being used.

Due to some misunderstanding I was apparently the subject of a lot of hate today... which I definitely did not deserve...


on another hand shit's going down with my life... could go well or not so well... who knows ^^ stupid inside car peer pressured conversations -_-

It's been so long and though I've decided to post something.
First of all exams are done and my first year of university has come to an end. I feel i've made some long lasting friendships through my time at science one.

Although we'll all go our own ways from now on, I pray that we'll always keep in touch and to remember one another.

Second of all, I'm really looking forward to this summer as now the pressure of exams and assignments are completely gone ;)

I'll try and keep in touch with this blog more frequently now that I can... but .... probably not xD

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