Sunday, December 14, 2008

DONE!!! + random thoughts.

Like a bird breaking free of shackles holding it down within a metal cage of captivity, we of science one are liberated from our daily tasks to study as much information as possible.

However, once exams are done, i feel, I'll truly be able to see the true side of what people really thought. It's quite a simple way of looking at it, and I'll tell everyone about it soon enough.

On another note... i was tricked ... for the 3rd time by a certain girl who constantly tricks me. We started talking about lives in general but hey what do u know she suddenly told me that she was spending time with her bf. Consider she always thought herself so much more superior to any man i thought it was impossible. And I was tricked twice before too. Anyways after not even 4 minutes into the conversation i was tricked... AGAIN! I gotta stop thinking that girls are so trust worthy.

Final note... today i went to some western christmas part, and my was i surprised at how different it is compared to the parties i've used to have. It involved some caroling , present opening, and eating. However, what i realized from the trip was that of the 30 something people there me , my dad, and my brother were the only asian people there. I seriously have not given a thought as to how strong racial separation still is today. We see the koreans with the koreans, the chinese with the chinese, whites with the whites... are these separations really necessary? We're in fking Canada speak english as a common language and actually stop being so exclusive. I know today's dinner might have just simply the result of past generations, but i truly hope and believe that this segregation will improve with years to come.

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