So i've had some phrase along the lines of wanting to get on a plane on msn as my message for some time, and what better place than on some brainpuke that noone even reads to explain the meaning of it.
Firstly, props to all the sci1ners (surprised sci1ners isn't spelled wrong according to firefox word correction) on finishing 2 of the "easier" midterms. What with 2 more to come and this dreaded t2 project that will be soon upon us it's no wonder sci1 is considered to be the toughest first year (next to honors) that's available.
So to those who went to the porn debate (the 2nd day) would undoubtedly have heard the talk of how the addict was able to recover from a serious porn addiction due to repenting and trusting in God. I'm talking about Christianity.
I personally have been going to and fro the church on and off throughout my life. The first times i was at the church I felt that I really didn't bother paying attention to what the pastor(s) were saying and nothing really got to me. Slowly my attendance dropped to just about nothing.
Second time around I felt the pastor had some words of truth, but for some reason I stopped going to that either. Maybe because of how much I've been spending on hmwk, but more importantly the fact that I use homework and my procrastinations as an excuse to not go.
Now comes that weird part about the plane. I seriously don't know what I'm planning to say (hence brain puke of undigested thoughts) and hopefully, through saying these things I'll figure it out myself.
I feel that everytime that I stopped going to church or something that there would always be these random incidents in my life that want me to go back to church again. It's quite strange, but no stranger than quantum mechanics.
Now yesterday I had this interesting talk with Peter (who went out of his way to come to totem to give me a book) and how he was explaining what christinaity was all about. Simple analogy is that there is a plane going from the land of the sinners to the land of the saved. The plane is driven by your one and only Jesus Christ. The point of this analogy is that you first have to know (believe) that the plane is there, and trust in the pilot and the plane to take you to the saved land. You don't know if it will reach the land of the saved either. Everyone has a ticket, and it's totally up to us on whether we board it or not.
I ... have decided to board the plane. There are things still in the world that science have no explained. I'm not saying religion explains everything. I personally believe (still with doubts) that christianity is the right way to go. Hence, I've decided to line up at the boarding gate onto the plane. Why don't I just board it?
lol my answers weren't even answered, and to those who are reading... sorry if this was a total waste of ur time. Cheers.